Altcoins have been a passing thought for a lot of merchants and traders for the previous months while Bitcoin stole the limelight! However in …
Altcoins have been a passing thought for a lot of merchants and traders for the previous months while Bitcoin stole the limelight! However in …
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Copyright © 2023 Crypto Now 24.
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DONT MISS LAYERAI !! LAI awaits the biggest !
Peter Shiff must be soooo angry.
Best CryptoBanter show.
Great exercise with superguppy
Too much affliate bonus etc talking
Thnx Kyle
Sounds like Doops be catching those Tino vibes
BRICS currency might be an interesting catalyst
Solana bananas
The SOL shill channel.
Solana will hit $800 – $1200
Kyles knowledge is amazing
U the best
agree best Banter show !!!
"Blackrock is about hope"…he says as they destroy the free world with their ESG commE crap. Probably the largest pile of BS ever spoken. I don't trust this fink.
Bought too much Solami. Hoping the shrimp want to eat it up. Poochee Chochee music is weird.
Those gaps are called fair value gaps

Why i have this fkin Sweepyzone everywhere
Super Guppy, good stuff Kyle.
Great show. Well done Kyle
Good afternoon All from Kansas U.S.A.
Couldn't resist the FOMO. Just entered WinpToken's presale based on your recommendation.