At this time let’s discuss Bitcoin, Crypto, and concerning the US market. U.S. Chamber of Commerce declares SEC is appearing unlawfully…what …
At this time let’s discuss Bitcoin, Crypto, and concerning the US market. U.S. Chamber of Commerce declares SEC is appearing unlawfully…what …
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C',on George. How can you say the US is the best Country on Earth, especially what has been going on there for the last 20 years.
It will get kicked down the road. The debt limit will not be solved until the Baby Boomers lose a grip over the electorate and get leave congress. The Baby Boomers have set up a system that is tax friendly as well as entitlement heavy for their benefit at the cost to younger generations. Cost of living raises to SS are not sustainable. Of course there is a lot of fat to cut off Gvt spending. How many billions went to Ukraine? Cut all foreign aid, Cut any spending that doesn't build or maintain infrastructure, roads water electric and emergency services. Cut all subsidies from Energy Companies, to Universities, museums, music arts, etc. Eliminate the DHS, ATF. and privatize the TSA.
Come on man we're not going to default it's all FAKENEWS
Hi George,
Our money problem is due to the fact we are the world's police department. We pay for the security of everyone. No other country takes on this responsibility.
NOT the firat time for default. Already happened 3 times before, so this would be 4th, not first national default.
If the country goes to shit the politicians are just gonna pack their bags and leave.. And the rest of us Gonna have to fix everything and when we do those same politicians are gonna come back
If hyper, inflation hits, couldn’t we stand to reason that everything is going to go up exponentially pricewise?
Everyone knew it was going to be selling off
It’s gotta happen eventually. Just default and let it happen. It will only be worse the longer it takes.
Dollar fails and gov introduces CBDC to save the day and have complete control over everyone
The USA credit rating could go down even before the default right?
a lot of FUD, they will extend the period to negotiate…it is part of the game.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is an association of businesses.
It is NOT a "government agency."
Otherwise nice report.
You're a great mentor for today's youth. Keep up the good work.
Just default and get it over with! We need it to happen. Lets just be done with it
Democrats could just …. CUT SPENDING.
Everything gets nuked in a finical situation like the one we are heading into. If your all risk on right now the next few months will be pure hell. If you think I'm wrong what happens if the US sells at 20k? or 15k? or at to 200 ma? Look I'm not negative. I"M SMART! See You at the finish line?
We’re all motherf*****g George!
Seems like alot of people in comments are either bots or foreigners or hard core lefties. Everyone doubting Americans dominant status ignores the fact that we are the military peacekeepers for the entire world. In other words, if America defaults or collapses in any way, many other countries will fall apart since they all rely on our military might to keep the peace. And plus, this is a channel about crypto, and yet so many FUDsters talking about selling all their positions. Just sell and stop spreading negatively pointlessly.
George, the US is not the greatest country on earth.
Money printer go brrr
dont visit England if you come to Europe, its cold and wet and xenophopic…recomend you to visit Portugal or Spain…regards George
Dude $7,000 Ada can be $100k. It only has to hit $5. That’s just $2 over last ath.
The truth is we killed ourselves a long time ago financially,
And if we “go on” without defaulting, it’s only because we and the rest of the world decide to lie to ourselves about reality which will not end well anyway.
It’s damned embarrassing. We’re grown adults pretending not to see a problem a child could identify (and that we would scold a child for attempting to avoid)
George doesn't think ADA will hit $5?? I don't hold ADA, but $5 is perfectly reasonable… $100k / 20k ADA = $5