I believe it’s time for an replace on the #ETH / #BTC valuation. With this latest rally by #ETH / #BTC in Might, what does the remainder of the …
I believe it’s time for an replace on the #ETH / #BTC valuation. With this latest rally by #ETH / #BTC in Might, what does the remainder of the …
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same old same old
Matthew Jones
2 hours ago
The best thing about Ben is he is humble enough to accept he could be wrong. This is what makes him a successful investor & person at the same time. A really decent man.
Heisenberg Uncertainty Princple?
There’s a first time to everything! LFG 9/10
really appreciate the eth/btc videos! keep it up!
Ben would love to rebuy his ETH back at a lower eth/btc valuation ❤
Does anyone know what Ben’s Bitcoin price target is for 2025?
Short ETH.
You know it's a cold crypto winter when Ben needs to wear a jacket.
Ben what are your thought on a Bitcoin 16-year cycle in which this year, 2023 is the final blow off top year followed by 24-26 as down years?
Still waiting for ETH to head home
Sell in May and go away.
watch DXY, looking strong
btc dominance looks like it can sneak up soon.
very informative/quality! thanks Ben for giving an neutral opinion very appreciate your help
This video was 🔥
Eth/btc is like my love life chart. Rejection after rejection 😂
First time I see ben exploring the 5m chart. I just marked it on my calendar 🎉
Can’t increase video quality on your videos for some reason!!
Great video! Patience is key. Boring but necessary.
If hitoria is an indication eth/btc should go down for a while as you suggest. Given that eth is more innovative than btc, eth/btc should then go up in the longer term
Saying that the switch to PoS has no sufficient impact as ETH didnt flip BTC is a questionable argument. You have to ask yourself how ETHUSD could have looked like if Ethereum still was on PoW. Didnt you expect ETH to go "back home" to 3-digits USD for a while now ? Of course the market is primarily driven by spot trading and much less by fundamentals. However, fundamentals do still play a role in certain cases and in ETH's case they have to as the inflation is down significantly (deflationary atm) and the # of staked ETH is growing fast (hence less ETH in circulation to trade). How much do these facts impact the price of ETH ? Arguably not that much. Perhaps enough to avoid sending ETH "back home" though. Cheers
True, but, on my ETH I get staking rewards which is not considered in these charts. I expect the effect to be small but still it shouldn’t be ignored.
37:25 "Maybe I'm trying to convince myself at this point, not you" 😂 I think you'll be vindicated Ben, keep it coming
to brate
Ben these videos are arming me with so much info and context of prior cycles, thank you so much!!
I came into crypto at the start of 21 and haven’t left, really wish I found your channel in 21 and not 22. In saying that though your content and my own research has stopped me from making some terrible decisions in 22 and 23 so thanks again and keep up the awesome work!!! 😄
Ben has the BEST content on the planet. It is too bad that so many people are too dumb to appreciate him.
To tell you the truth your best call was not: 'cash is king in 2022' or 'if you want to buy alt-coins take a cold shower' but repeating those things over and over. I thought like you but it prevented me to pull the trigger at some point in 2022… As for ether/btc I have no idea if it will break up or down, I am thinking it might follow the same channel for some time… The inflation argument might sustain the channel but it wont help the price go up unless in a bull period… and if crypto tank all bets are off.. The positive thing about the eth/btc discussion is that it highlight the 'alt are way too risky' idea…
Would the ETH/BTC chart look much different if you took market cap instead of price?
Thank you Ben. We value your outlook keep it up !
Ben's tongue and cheek q&a with himself is so adorkable!
We are not sick of your Bitcoin dominance videos yet, Mr. Cowen
This guy is gold.
i watch a few of your videos every now and then and remembered your stance. had to check your page and watch this video. been super bullish on eth btc as of 2 weeks ago. happy to take the other side on this trade against you here. did you not have a downsloping trendline on eth btc ? yikes lol . cheers
ETH Bullish as hell against BTC right now !!
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