ethereum #xrp #binance On this video, we’ll present you an insane proof that the Ethereum founder needed to destroy XRP and the way …
ethereum #xrp #binance On this video, we’ll present you an insane proof that the Ethereum founder needed to destroy XRP and the way …
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Copyright © 2023 Crypto Now 24.
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What is means Wendy is that you are funding communism and the CPP if you use ETH or an ERC20 Token. Vitalik speaks fluent Chinese and sings it in karaoke……But why no case about ETH?
Send them to jail😢
xrp is a RIPPLE SCAM since 2012
When the banks go live and start using xrp, it will have the effect of freeing up a lot of capital in the liquidity markets that’s currently tied up.
So would this have the effect of increasing money supply as in M2?
Also, will it speed up the velocity of the money?
Are these two factors not both inflationary?
Is xrp being held back until central banks do CBDCs to mitigate this potential problem?
i dont get why you have to hold the camera, nor why you cant put up the screen so we can see the story itself.
Got 100 xrp still buying
Thank you Wendy- I respect that in the past you didn’t run behind Ripple but once you spotted the BS you started out slow calling it out but stayed on it and now you call foul ANYTIME you sense it on Ripple. Nothing to do with tribalism as the government is the biggest at tribalism. Thank you for being balanced
Chair looks comfi. How do I get?
hoskinson called us grand conspiracy theorists but its all coming out now how shady ethereum is.proud to be part of an army that is gonna smack down the corrupt sec and show the world that lubin, butterin are shady people
Compare/contrast SEC sycophantic treatment of unregistered securities known as CITs (Collective Investment Trusts).
Vitalik is not legit. He has had ties to XRP since he was an intern level pleb. He's the same as anyone else who gets that much money. Corrupt
Permethium is 'in' with the corrupt people in gub'ment and banking.
Criminal, not unethical.
There's a lot more to these creeps.
#ETHgate is real. They are all shady
Goody looking toxic nerds go tyranic eventually
I’ve always been creeped out by Vitalik from the first time I saw him and heard him speak. Is he really a human? I could 100% believe he is on the list of those going to Epstein Island.
F ethereum… they will and have used it to take your money. Sell it and move to the people’s coin. XRP
That’s why you never trust geek that wears unicorn 🦄 T shirt 😂
You explained why I never bought btc or eth. 👱♂️Chi-ena
Crypto babe
Vitalik is an alien
Life teach me a long time ago not to trust Ukrainians …
The US government is corrupt. This is not a new phenomenon but spread the word to all your contacts. Money is the root of all evil.
This information should have a positive impact for XRP in the SEC VS XRP case? Because if everything you said is true then it seems like Hinman was in cahoots with Ethereum to bring XRP Down. I’m not a lawyer but I would assume their actions are grounds for dismissal or a complete XRP WIN! Am I wrong?
He's a russian jew what would you expect.
Wanxiang also has been involved with the purchase of the advanced Li Battery company called A123 .. This company has advanced Li batteries that are 10 years ahead of everyone else due to their connections to NASA / DARPA and the National Science Foundation Based in Washinton D.C. .. If Alibaba was denied the sale of Moneygram due to National Security Reasons whey isn't A123 being denied for the same reasons ? ..
Xrp is 💎 hold your xrp people
I knew this in 2020 21 😂
Follow the money 💰
XRP is about to make ethereum and bitcoin obsolete!
The awkward glare reflecting from your glasses scares the 🍌 🍌 🍌 out of me
Thank You Wendy!